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CVS: Super Aveeno Deal

I admit when I started reading all the blogs about drug store shopping I was very confused. I read that people were getting free stuff. I wanted the free stuff, but I just didn't understand it. I have come to realize that I need to add stores slowly. I need to jump into one store at a time and learn their systems and their couponing rules. Then after I have a solid foothold into that store's way of shopping, only then can I move onto a different store. My first drug store was CVS. I love CVS. I love my cashier at CVS. She likes me. We get along. She knows that I will be using coupons & ECBs and doesn't look at me with disdain when my OOP is low.

My advice to people who don't shop CVS. Jump in. The only way to get the free stuff is to learn to roll those ECBs. [Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) are printed at the bottom of your receipt. They work just like cash except you don't get change back.] Here is how I get free stuff by rolling my ECBs.

Here is the deal: Get $10 ECB when you buy $25 worth of Aveeno products.

Here is the transaction:

2 Aveeno Positively Ageless Deep Cleansing Pads $8.99/each
1 Aveeno Positively Ageless Firming Lotion $8.99

Total: $26.97

- $5 off a $25 transaction (CVS coupon for taking ReadyFill survey)
-$9.99 ECB from awhile ago not sure what from
-$1.98 ECB expiring on Tuesday

Total After coupons: $0.00
Get Back: $10 ECB

I spent $11.97 in ECB and got $10 back. I will still have enough ECBs that I won't have to pay for my deals next week or the next. Right now, I am carrying about $28 in ECBs, so losing the $1.97 in the rollover doesn't make me cry.

Do you shop at CVS? Do you love it? Do you hate it? Or does it just make your head hurt to think about?


[url= ]Современный мужчина XXI [/url]
У моего молодого человека есть мечта - машина. И вот вот она обязана осуществиться, но каждый день возникают какие-то обстоятельства и машина откладывается. Недавно у нас была годовщина встреч. И что-то подтолкнуло меня подарить ему коллекционную модель машинки его мечты. Это очень великолепная машинка, сделана как истинная, двери все открываются, руль крутится, вообщем очень прикольная вещь =) Но мой МЧ так не посчитал....как оказалось своим презентом я его задела, мол презент с иронией, он так мечтает о машине, а я ему игрушку подарила, что бы он по столу с ней игрался....свои обиды он отрицает, но по нему видно, что он недоволен и расстроен. Я очень переживаю по этому поводу....скажите я действительно преподнесла ему обидный презент????

September 14, 2010 at 9:26 PM  

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